About the Program
Admissions Requirement
Master Certificate
The Master Certificate Program is an empowering spiritual education that offers a systematic study of the teachings of Jesus the Christ. This program provides students with a foundational understanding of New Thought Christianity as espoused by the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL). This journey awakens students to their divinity through engaging and introspective lessons in Allegorical Bible Interpretation, Spiritual Healing, and other subject matter. Students will gain a greater connection with the God presence within them as well as practical knowledge of the universal principles to a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
The Master Plus Program is an advanced Certificate program for students who have completed the Master Certificate Program and wish to participate in further studies to support them on their spiritual journey.
Master Plus Certificate
Master Certificate: This program is open to all seekers no matter their background, affiliation, or denomination.
Master Plus Certificate: Applicant must be a graduate of the Master Certificate program.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition (per course):
Master Certificate -
$15.00 campus | $50.00 online
Master Plus Certificate -
$75.00 campus | $100.00 online
All tuition and fees are subject to revision at any time and are in USD.
*Charges are non-refundable

Master Certificate Program
1. Basic Truth Principles I
2. Basic Truth Principles II
3. Bible I: Introduction to the Bible
4. Bible II: Developing Metaphysical Eyes
5. Bible III: Old Testament I (Metaphysical)
6. Bible IV: Old Testament II
7. Bible V: New Testament I
8. Bible VI: New Testament II (Metaphysical)
9. Advanced Class
10. Discover the Power Within
11. Self-Discovery
12. Principles of Prayer
13. Principles of Healing
14. Elective (3 courses)
Master Plus Certificate Program
This is a 4-semester program (1-3 semesters will consist of class work, and the 4th semester will be a term paper). Please contact the Dean for term paper requirements.
To gain further Fillmorean knowledge you can select from the following Fillmore texts (which can be taught in 2-3 parts, depending on the length of the semester).
1) Prosperity - Charles Fillmore
2) Dynamics for Living - Charles Fillmore
3) Mysteries of John - Charles Fillmore
Select campuses only. Not available for distance learning students.

Courses can be taken at your nearest UFBL affiliate center or fully online. For a directory of our centers, CLICK HERE.
If you are interested in taking courses at a nearby affiliate, please contact the campus directly for their class schedule and registration process. Students may take courses at both a center or online. Please coordinate with the Adult Education Director at the center of your desired course plan.
Affiliate centers and online courses use the same curriculum and lesson plans.
Note: Each UFBL affiliate center is considered a campus (extension site) of the JCTS and is approved to offer classes for our Master Certificate & Master Plus Certificate Program.

The pursuit of the Masters Certificate and now the Masters Plus Certificate in JCTS has been life-transforming. In each class I participated in, I was able to apply the learning to my practical life and truly bring the spiritual principles alive in the various domains of my life: health, relationships, finances and business. Every teacher I interacted with had their own teaching style, however the one thing that was a constant among all of them, was their passion to increase my spiritual understanding while under their care. I will be forever grateful to UFBL, JCTS and UTC for creating this beautiful pathway for my spiritual evolution.
Chinwe Grace Osuagwu
Miami, FL
Want More Information?
We greatly appreciate your interest. Please complete the form below so that we can get your information over to the Program Dean. If you need any immediate assistance, please email info@jctseminary.org.

Rev. Lelia Harris, M.A.
Program Dean