About the Seminary
Introduction from the Provost

It is a pleasure as well as an honor to be the first Provost/Academic Dean of the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary (JCTS). Since its inception, the Seminary has evolved to encompass all of the training components of the foundation and is the academic arm of the Universal Foundation For Better Living. We live in a time where people are searching for meaning in their lives. This seminary is dedicated to assisting in this search by educating people to guide the masses.
The time has come for ministers, lay leaders and other interested people to support others in their quest for meaning. Using the technology of today, the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary joins other educational institutions in providing an atmosphere for the study of religion in its sociological, historical, and economic contexts. It provides an atmosphere where academic research is supported and where the gap between religion and science can be breeched. In addition, JCTS is a place where New Thought Christianity, the mystical tradition of Christianity, is added to the knowledge base of academicians.
The Rev. Dr. Anna Price, Ph.D.
Provost/Academic Dean
Founders & Mission

JCTS was founded in 2001 by the Reverend Dr. Johnnie M. Colemon and the Reverend Dr. Mary A. Tumpkin. JCTS serves as the education arm of the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL), which operates as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit religious organization in Florida.
We are a multi-cultural, inclusive school for education in training and ministry. Our mission is to prepare spiritual leaders to establish and develop empowerment centers throughout the world. We provide an atmosphere that will encourage men and women to model the message of Jesus the Christ in relevant & practical ways. We have created a learning environment that:
~ Promotes academic excellence
~ Encourages the creation of experimental and innovative programs
~ Provides a place for ideas to be born, explored and developed
We promote the empowerment of all peoples through learning & practicing principles handed down through the ages and taught by Jesus the Christ.

Our History

The Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary (JCTS) is the academic arm of the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL). It emerged as a part of the vision cast by The Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon in 1974. It was in that year that Dr. Colemon founded the UFBL. Her purpose was to create an equitable platform for all people to learn and express the principles for Better Living; principles that she had proved in her own life.
The UFBL was founded on the principles of healing. In 1952, Dr. Colemon was diagnosed with a terminal disease and given only six months to live. In pain, she literally stumbled upon a copy of a Unity periodical that included a poem by Hannah Moore Kohaus. There she read the words: “God is my health, I can’t be sick”. Incredulous words to someone in pain! Confused as to how anyone could make such a statement, she began to question her mother, Mrs. Lula Parker, who subscribed to the magazine. Her mother encouraged her to find out for herself, so she began to attend Unity School to study the spiritual laws that govern healing. As she studied and applied the teachings, she received her healing.
Dr. Colemon completed her ministerial training and became an ordained Unity minister in 1956. She founded Christ Universal Temple in Chicago, Illinois and served in many capacities in Unity before withdrawing in 1974 to establish the UFBL.
In 1976, Dr. Colemon established the Johnnie Colemon Institute (JCI) as the educational component of the UFBL. JCI has educated laypersons, licensed teachers, counselors, and ministers to assume the responsibilities of New Thought ministry.
The growth of the UFBL as a leader in the New Thought Christian Movement prompted Dr. Colemon to recognize that the UFBL must take the initiative in taking the Movement to the next level. Thus the Seminary was born.
On June 6, 2001, the UFBL Board of Directors voted to approve the development of the Seminary in Miami Gardens, Florida. A Project Director was identified and a Steering Committee was formed to lead the UFBL Board through the process of establishing the new school. The Seminary officially opened and began accepting students in Fall 2003.
In August 2010, the JCTS became the academic arm of the UFBL. Over 15 years later since its inception, the Seminary continues to empower people from all denominations to study New Thought Christianity. People representing the academic community as well as other faith traditions have come together to discuss the needs of religious and cultural communities as well as identify potential resources to meet them. The JCTS is committed to being an inclusive and responsive school for seekers in the 21st century.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary shall admit qualified students of all human expressions of the Creator without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, or sexual preference, to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students.
Statement of Accreditation
The Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary is an accredited member of the Accrediting Commission International. ACI, the world's largest non-government related accrediting association, is not connected with any State Department of Higher Education or the U.S. Department of Education. All credits are transferable to the other 316 members of ACI.